Our residents are the reason for all that we do! We honor our incredible residents and the smiles they bring to our faces.
Meet some of our amazing residents across our Edencrest communities!
Beaverdale: Meet Marie! We are celebrating the lovely Marie Sundet! She has been with us over a year, and her radiant beauty and joyful spirit light up every moment! From gardening to lunch bunch outings and musical performances, she fills each day with laughter and warmth. We love you Marie!

Green Meadows: Meet Delores Aswegan! Delores grew up locally in Warren County, Iowa before moving to Polk County. She graduated from high school at the age of 16 then took at job working with American Mutual Life. After getting married and having 4 kids, she stayed home to raise them. She has 2 grandkids. Delores loves to volunteer and has been a Mailing Mama for 31 years.

Kettlestone: Meet our VERY FIRST resident! Ms. Sherri Gruber was the first to move to Edencrest at Kettlestone on opening day, June 1st! This Des Moines native operated a bake shoppe out of her home for decades. She baked all sorts of goodies -cakes, fudge, and mints for special occasions. Sherri just loves living at Kettlestone and we love having you here!

Riverwoods: Meet Janet! She was born in Des Moines and shortly after moved to Wisconsin. She lived on a farm with no running water and walked over two miles each way to attend a one-room country school with a total of three girls including her. She made it clear to me, more than once, “there were no boys in her classroom.” Around 5th grade, her family moved her back to Des Moines and as she says, “the rest is history.“

Siena Hills: Meet Linda Rozendaal! Linda’s favorite thing at Siena is the activities. She LOVES going to bingo and listening to the residents laugh and banter with the team members! In Linda’s spare time, she enjoys reading, knitting dish towels, doing word searches, and her newest hobby: bean bag baseball!

Timberline: Meet Ken! Ken is a proud Air Force Veteran. He went through 12 weeks of basic training in San Antonio and 7 weeks of tech school in Amarillo before being stationed in North Dakota for 2 years and 8 months. While in North Dakota he got married and from there went to Vietnam where he was stationed in the Mekong Delta region for a year. When he returned to the US, he graduated from Minot State University in North Dakota. From there on out he worked in Sales all his working days.

The Legacy: Meet Janice! Janice, a native of Missouri, found the love of her life and was married for 59 years. She spent 31 years as a music teacher in Dubuque, IA, teaching students of all ages. She loves to play the piano for our residents and enjoys when they come and sing along with her.

The Tuscany: Meet Bernie! Bernie has been a part of the Edencrest at the Tuscany family since our community opened in 2021. Before making Edencrest her home, she lived in Altoona, where she built a beautiful life filled with love and memories. Bernie’s words of wisdom are a guiding light for us all: “If you expect people to be nice to you, you be nice to them.”

All of our residents at Edencrest are so special! We can’t wait to celebrate them this week and every week they live with us!